Σάββατο 14 Αυγούστου 2010

Eros and Love

Eros and Love: A didactic story

On a sizzling hot summer day, Eros, the flamboyant partner of Love, is resting his youthful body under the thick, body-hair-raising shadow of a fig tree, contemplating life. Suddenly, he turns to his lover who enjoys the blissful moment with him, and asks: “My Love, you who give meaning to my life, who make me surrender to your wishes like my body surrenders to sleep, who govern my every move and unconditionally offer your light to me like the sun offers his light to the moon, why did you choose me as your partner-in-life, as your benevolent half when it is true you can find hospice in any person’s heart as easily as the water finds its way down a river slope?”

On her angelic face a Giaconda-like smile is formed and after a minute moment of silence she replies: “Oh! Foolish you…my one and only match, look at this mirror and tell me what do you see?”

Eros, surprised as he was by her answer nevertheless does what she asks of him. The shining reflection of his face is now in front of him and, dazzled by his image, he speaks anxiously: “I see my shining face and wonder if this glow is mine or yours, I see the thunder in my eyes and wonder how long can this last, I see my lips, red as your cheeks and thirsty for your kisses and fear the day you may deny to kiss me anymore”.

Now, her body slightly shivers, her face takes the serenity of the faithful when they pray and she speaks with a whispering but firm tone: “The lightning in the clouds forms rain for thirsty earth, the rushing water shapes the rocks in the river banks, the wind pollinates seemingly estranged and distanced flowers and fire destroys life so life can spring anew. You are my lightning, my water, my wind and fire. Without you I would be as lonely as a star, as empty as the space, as vain as your image in this mirror. Look again, my lover, and tell me if you see any of me in this reflection! And if you do, that is why I chose you.”


Dedicated to my daughter… a breath of fresh air in mid-summer heat.

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